St. Nicolas Church in Louny (Czech: Chrám svatého Mikuláše v Lounech) is a roman-catholic, parochial church dedicated to Saint Nicolas, located in Louny, Czech Republic.
The 1517 fire destroyed the nave and damaged the tower of the original church. Afterwards it was designed and rebuilt by royal architect Benedikt Rejt. After it was finished in 1538, it became one of the supreme pieces of Czech late Gothic. The temple has three naves, with external support system, round archs and pyramid-shaped turrets.
The interior is dominated by woodcarved main altar. The altar was made during 1701-1706 by sculptor Jeroným Kohl with his apprentice František Preiss. In the end of 19th century when the church has undergone reparations made by Josef Mocker and Kamil Hilbert. During that time, the painting the altar was considered but in the end it didn't come into realisation. The altar is divided into three parts – the main one in the middle and two latteral, "optically" divided by huge screw-shaped columns – each of the which is mastered by a painting on wood in the mid section. The carvings come to the stunning details – the altar contains tens of characters of the biblical teachings, angels and baroque decor.
The two of the tall gothic stained glass with religional motives were donated by local citizens and date to the reparations from the break of 19th and the 20th century; the other have decent, non-figurative content.
The temple tower is 60 m tall. A sandstone was used as a building material. Inside the tower, there is a winding stairwell with approximately 180 stairs, leading to a belfry and the gallery with the view on the entire town and surrounding. In the belfry, there are two bells, each approximately 60 cm tall.
Presently, the temple goes under minor amendments, however the church services and tours are not disrupted. Tours to the tower are allowed.